Sunday 22 September 2019

Mamma That Makes Itty Bitty Hat Drive 2019

We are so grateful to the Mamma that Makes blog for making us one of their official organisations to send donations to for their 2019 Hat Drive.

They are generously uploading a daily hat pattern too.

Their blog is worth checking out - it contains lots of great patterns!

Tuesday 10 September 2019

6 - 8th September Boob Challenge

We had an impromptu boob challenge this weekend and asked members to knit, sew or crochet boobs.

These are used to help new and expectant Mums with Breastfeeding.

We were delighted when between us we made 190 over the weekend and the total is still rising.

Several sponsors pledged donations ranging from 2p per boob to a fixed amount.  This will help fund postage to send our boxes of donations to where they can help the most.

Monday 9 September 2019

September Sewing Challenge - Walker Bags

Every month our members can participate in a voluntary knitting, a crochet and a sewing challenge.

This month our sewers are making walker bags

Our initial target is 50 ....... will we do it?????

Sunday 8 September 2019

Thank you NHAP

While we are always very grateful to the members who help us by making things and fund raising to support postage costs, the hospitals we help are also grateful.

Sunday 1 September 2019

August Challenge Totals

Our August Challenges were crochet cardigans, sewn NICU Smocks and knitted Trudi Hearts.

We blew all our targets away and received

201 Cardigans
226 NICU Smocks
624 Trudi Hearts

Thank you to everyone who contributed