Friday 25 October 2019

October Crochet Challenge - Newborn Hats

Our October Crochet Challenge is going strong.

We challenged our members to crochet hats for newborn babies and there are some amazing makes ....

Sunday 20 October 2019

Homeless Hat Challenge

Winter is coming and for people without a regular place to call home it can be a cold, wet miserable experience.

This month we are making hats that will be donated to a homeless charity.

Our members continue to be very generous with their time and wool!

Thursday 10 October 2019

How to join us .......

We have amazing members who help us in so many ways. 
We are a friendly group of people with a common goal of helping people and are always looking for new members to help in whatever way they can.

A lot of us have never met each other in person but chat regularly online. Others of our group don't chat and simply make and send. Either way is fine!
Members knit, crochet, sew, donate items for us to use as fund raising or raise postage funds for us.
If you are interested in joining us please follow the link to our facebook group:

October Sewing Challenge - Fat Quarter Sheets

Every month our members can participate in a voluntary knitting, a crochet and a sewing challenge.

This month our sewers are making sheets from fat quarters

Our initial target is 150 ....... will we do it?????